Accredited Distance Education
Enquire NowFor providing academic and professional qualifications and degrees to students and professionals in diverse fields, accredited distance education is certainly vital complementary to the traditional campus-based education at schools and universities.
These accredited distance education programs provide certificates and degrees at various levels ranging from the undergraduate to doctoral levels. By dint of highly developed internet facilities and information technology devices, these accredited distance learning programs offer high-quality, in-depth, and greatly productive education and training to students and professionals in almost all fields of profession and business. Hence, accredited distance learning has now emerged out to become a hugely popular and suitable means for obtaining progressive and profitable degrees in most of the countries of the world, inevitably including India. In ours this immensely informative article, we are providing comprehensive and highly beneficial information regarding accredited distance education india, in the paragraphs given below.
India is a vast country with one of the largest educational infrastructures in the whole world, for both school education and higher education. Consequently, the sector of its distance education courses too, is extensive and highly refined. At higher education level, there are offered about 400 distance learning courses by Indian institutions at present, under the categories of certificate courses, diploma courses, post-graduate diploma courses, graduate-level courses, associate courses, postgraduate courses, and doctoral courses. These accredited distance education courses are provided proficiently by about 175 highly successful and internationally reputed distance education institutions.
Accredited Distance Learning Courses in India
For fully accredited distance learning in india, all distance education courses at diverse levels are duly recognized and approved by the Distance Education Council (DEC) of India, along with obtaining essential recognition by statutory authorities like the AICTE, UGC, NCTE, etc. Moreover, most of the distance education courses at higher education level are well-facilitated by distance learning technologies like synchronous and asynchronous. Hence, accredited and enriched distance education courses in India have acquired overwhelming popularity among students and professionals in recent years. For getting information regarding the most reputed distance education institutions in India, please visit our other articles bearing pertinent titles.
Highly creative and lucrative distance learning courses at different academic and professional levels mentioned above, are provided in an enormous range of subjects pertaining to almost all economic fields. Among these all subjects, the following subjects have been most famous and popular for distance education degrees in India:
Science subjects; Arts and Humanities subjects; Accounts and Commerce; Law and Criminal Justice; disciplines of Engineering and Technology; all Social Sciences; some streams of Medical science; Information Technology; Business Management; Education and Teaching; Journalism and Mass Communication; Entrepreneurship; e-Business: Industrial Manufacturing; Sales and Marketing; Human Resource Management; Industrial and Public Relations; Advertising; International Business; Insurance; Pharmaceuticals; Biotechnology; Genetics; Telecommunication; Computer Hardware and Software; Culinary and Hospitality; Travel and Tourism; Banking and Finance; Clerical, Secretarial, and Administration; Health and Nutrition; Healthcare and Medicine; Pharmacy; Nursing; Medical Assisting; Hospital Administration; Entertainment Media; Sports; Fashion; Internet and Multimedia; Animation; Languages and Literature; Religious Studies; Fine Art and Design; Horticulture; Floriculture; and other artistic, scientific, technical, and non-technical fields.