James Cook University Australi

James Cook University, a public university, is located at Townsville, Queensland, Australia. It was established in 1970 and the 2nd oldest university in Queensland. It was named after sea captain James Cook. It is one of the 17 universities of Australia which was listed in the top 400 world universities in 2008 by the ARWU.

University Profile James Cook University : The University is one of leading universities of the globe focusing on tropics. It is completely dedicated to fetch the brighter future for life by producing graduates and researches which make a difference.
Courses offered by James Cook University : The University offers short courses, undergraduate courses and postgraduate courses through its faculties and schools or departments in a large number of subjects. You can find the course based on your choice on the website of the university https://www-public.jcu.edu.au/courses/index.htm

Faculties at James Cook University : The University has four faculties having several departments. The faculties at James Cook University are Faculty of Art, Education & Social Sciences, Faculty of Law, Business & Creative Arts, Faculty of Medicine, Health & Molecular Sciences, and Faculty of Science & Engineering.

Students' life in James Cook University Australia : The University allows its students to participate in many activities available at campus. Students can join in the clubs & societies like participating in sports, visiting the university Museum, art galleries, etc.

Research and innovation James Cook University : The University is very supportive to its researchers. It offers research programs in various areas including art, social science, science, education, engineering, creative arts, medicine, health, molecular sciences, business, and law.

Why James Cook University : It is a fast growing university. It offers a place for many opportunities. It aims to be in the list of leading universities for research in Australia. It has the State of Art teaching & learning facilities. It offers good learning environment. Its education enhances self confidence and prepares students ready to face the real life situations.

Universities in Australia